Natural Readers – A Walking Outdoor Book Group: “Beautiful Swimmers” by William W. Warner
April 11 @ 10:00 am
Natural Readers meets at the Freedom Park Interpretive Center the second Friday of every month. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather as we will be walking one of the Freedom Park trails while we discuss the month’s book choice.
This month, join library staff as we walk and talk about William W. Warner’s Beautiful Swimmers, the Pulitzer Prize-winning book about the culture and economy built around the life of blue crab. This is lovely and essential reading for anyone who lives near the Chesapeake Bay. We’ll meet in the park headquarters for an initial discussion, then continue our chat while we walk on the wooded trails. Pick up your copy of Beautiful Swimmers from either library building beginning March 15. We’ll also distribute copies of May’s book, Braiding Sweetgrass. (Rain or shine. We’ll stay indoors if the weather is bad.)
Freedom Park Interpretive Center
5537 Centerville Road