Easter Sunrise Service on Jamestown Island

Historic Jamestown 1368 Colonial Parkway, Williamsburg

All are welcome to attend the 2022 Easter Sunrise Service on Historic Jamestown Island. Easter is Sunday, April 17, 2022. The service will begin at 7:00am. Arrive early and plan...


Chippokes Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Chippokes State Park 695 Chippokes Rd, Surry

Sponsored by the Friends of Chippokes, this event begins at 2 pm on Easter Sunday (4/17) on the mansion grounds of Chippokes State Park in Surry County. Children aged 10...

Chippokes Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Chippokes State Park 695 Chippokes Rd, Surry

Children aged 10 and under should bring their own baskets to hunt for over 1,000 eggs hidden on the grounds of the Jones-Stewart Mansion at Chippokes State Park. There will...
