Restaurant Week Continues

Restaurant Week continues for some of our local WARA restaurants. Enjoy Breakfast, lunch and dinner for less at these amazing restaurants thru Monday, Feb 7th. Aberdeen Barn, Amber Ox, Berret's...

$$ - $$$

Respite Care Program Accepting New Participants

Williamsburg United Methodist Church

Respite Care of Williamsburg United Methodist Church accepting new applications for participants. Respite care provides "A gift of time to caregivers of seniors with special needs. A gift of companionship...

24/7 Dads Info Session

Virtual on Zoom

Come join us to learn more about our 12-session workshop. We celebrate dads and concentrate on parenting, career goals, and even offer incentives for attending.


Free Virtual Event-Keeping Your Loved Ones Safe

Greenfield Senior Living of Williamsburg Join us virtually for a presentation on "Keeping your loved ones safe during the pandemic," presented by Amedisys. Call to RVSP today to 757-220-4014 and...


Nuno Felting Workshop

Nuno felting is a fun fiber art method that allows you to turn heavy sheep’s wool or alpaca fiber into a one-of-a-kind, totally unique fiber masterpiece. In this workshop, you...


School’s Out Open Gym

School's Out Open Gym hosted by Dreams Gymnastics Center, 200 Industrial Blvd building 2, Toano, VA 23168, USA Mon, February 21, 2:30pm – 4:00pm Children ages 6 and older Check...


VIMS After Hours: Bay Scallops

The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, is an iconic shellfish of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts, its classic seashell shape commonly used to represent the sea or coastal living....

Rookie Dads

CDR Offices 210 Packets Court, Williamsburg, VA

A two-hour workshop for expectant dads. To register, go to Click on "services", then "Rookie Dads". All our services are free!!


Dr. Seuss Day! – Preschool OPEN GYM

Dreams Gymnastics Center 200-2 Industrial Blvd, Toano, VA

Dr. Seuss Day! - Preschool OPEN GYM at Dreams Gymnastics Center, 200 Industrial Blvd building 2, Toano, VA 23168, USA (map) Description Dr. Seuss’s birthday is celebrated on March 2...
