Jonathan Austin’s Magic Show (WL)

Williamsburg Library Theatre 515 Scotland St, Williamsburg, VA

Watch with bated breath as Jonathan Austin pedals on his unicycle high above the crowd, performing magic and juggling clubs, rings, canoe paddles, rubber chickens, baseball bats, and more. This...


Make a Snowflake (WL)

Williamsburg Library 515 Scotland St, Williamsburg, VA

Spend a cozy craft day decorating a wooden snowflake with winter sparkles.


First Fridays Recovery Service

Bruton Parish Church 201 Duke of Gloucester St., Williamsburg, VA

SpiritWorks Foundation hosts this monthly recovery service with prayers and readings that focus on helping people find ways to live faithfully in the midst of any kind of suffering, especially...


Kairos Eight25

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church 1677 Jamestown Rd., Williamsburg, VA

Kairos Eight25 is a monthly support group to provide Christ-centered hope to women who are experiencing the loss and loneliness of infertility and miscarriage. Women will walk alongside each other...
